"And that’s the thing with pain,
It demands to be felt."
Pain, an emotional trauma,
A mindful chaos.
For once, the mind and heart have nothing to say,
Nothing to offer.
Lost she is in the path of the unknown,
But she well knows, tis better to be lost in the right direction.
Confusion strikes like a stroke of lightning,
Lost herself, so she feels.
Aimless, goalless, non-directional in life,
Alone she walks on this path.
A desert surrounded with nothing but quick sand,
Sucked up into the world is she,
Unknown to her true identity.
Vague in her answers,
Indifferent to her own self.
The answer to any question is obscure,
Asking herself whether there is any question to be answered.
Staying low and down,
Feeling an emptiness we didn't know we had.
The mind, the soul, the heart: as quiet as a powerful scream.
And that’s the thing with pain: It demands to be felt.