
Garden City


From the darkness of the night,
Into the light of the day.
A journey thus, a journey within from beyond;
Out into the coldness of the morning
Only to feel the warmth thereafter.
People walking at their own pace,
At their own pace of life,
Some running, some walking,
Away from the chaos of the city.
Yet not so far as the the noise of traffic pulls them back to reality.
Some faces known, others not so;
Walk past them we do
As if all together but not together at all.
Get to wonder whether it is the diversity in unity.
As the journey continues to the alluring heights of the hill,
Although once climbed a sense of victory,
A sense of self as the rays of the sun dawn upon oneself,
Obeisances paid to Him.
The birds flying their daily routine,
No man or child could disturb.
Walking down the hill with the warmth of the sun over your face,
Until hit with a breath of fresh air from the lake nearby.
And just like that back to the city into reality.